1-1 Over view.. 3



1-2 Introduction. 3



1-3 Statement of problem.. 7



1-4 Research questions. 7



1-5 Research hypotheses. 7



1-6 Significance of the study. 8



1-7 Definitions of technical terms. 8





2-1 Overview.. 11



2-2 Iranian Studies. 11



2-3 Foreign Studies. 13



2-4 Theoretical base of the study. 18



2-5Categories of Suffixes. 20



2-5-1 Non-neutral (Strong) suffixes. 21



2-5-2 Neutral suffixes. 22



2-6 Derivation in lexical morphology. 23





3-1 overview.. 29



3-2 Research questions. 29



3-3 Research design. 29



3-4 Participants. 30



3-5 Instruments. 31



3-5-1 Questionnaire. 32



3-5-2 Reliability and Validity. 32



3-6 Data collection procedures. 32



3-7 Data analysis. 33







4-1 overview.. 35

مقالات و پایان نامه ارشد




4-2 Demographic information. 35



4-3 Descriptive statistics. 36



4-3-1 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions. 37



4-3-2 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on gender 38



4-3-3 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on academic degree. 40



4-3-4 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on the place of teaching English. 42



4-3-5 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on teaching experience. 44



4-4 Investigating research hypotheses by using inferential statistics. 46



4-4-1 First Hypothesis: 47



4-4-2 Second Hypothesis: 47



4-4-3 Third Hypothesis: 48



4-4-4 Fourth Hypothesis: 49



4-5 Discussion. 50





5-1 overview.. 52



5-2 Summary. 53



5-3 conclusion. 54



5-4 Implications. 55



5-5 limitations of the study. 55



5-6 Suggestions for further studies. 56



Appendix. 57



Reference. 68




List of Tables



Table 3-1 Background information about participants of the study. 30



Table 4-1 Background information about participants of the study. 36



Table 4-2 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions. 37



Table 4-3 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on gender 39



Table 4-4 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on academic degree. 41



Table 4-5 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on the place of teaching English. 43



Table 4-6 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on teaching experience. 45



Table 4-7 The results obtained by applying Man-whitney U Test 47



Table 4-8 The results obtained by applying Man-whitney U Test 48



Table 4-9 The results obtained by applying Man-whitney U Test 48



Table 4-10 The results obtained by applying Kruskal–Wallis Test 49


List of Figures



Figure 3-1 Background information about participants of the study. 31



Figure 4-1 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions. 38



Figure 4-2 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on gender 40



Figure 4-3 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on academic degree. 42



Figure 4-4 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on the place of teaching English. 44



Figure 4-5 The frequency of the answers to the pronunciation questions based on teaching experience. 46






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